Dawn Richard of Danity Kane to Feature on Aspiring Artist's Track as Part of Online Music Competition
Demo with Celebrities,
a new online music competition, will be giving aspiring solo music
artists the chance to have celebrity recording artists feature on their
original tracks. They've teamed up with multi-platinum singer/songwriter
Dawn Richard of Danity Kane (also former member of Diddy Dirty Money) for the competition's launch in the spring of 2014.
The winning artist's track will be made available for purchase on iTunes by Dawn Richard herself, whose organization, Big Dream Cares, will benefit from the competition. The competition, which is driven by digital downloads, will also enable artists to generate revenue as they compete and will appeal to music fans looking to discover new music. A leading Atlanta web design firm was tapped to design and develop the Demo with Celebrities project, and the final product is nothing short of highly anticipated.
Pre-registration is now open at www.demowithcelebrities.com Interested artists can receive exclusive updates and promotional opportunities by liking the Demo with Celebrities Facebook page or by following @Demowithcelebs on Twitter.
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